



I have this text file:

Dec 04 20:15 Naruto 123
Dec 04 17:42 Naruto 98
Dec 04 16:19 D Gray Man 001
Dec 04 16:05 Bleach 128
Dec 04 12:13 50 x 50 44

I need to output the contents into a table with the Date and Time in its own column and the Tile and Chapter in another.

Also.. I need to replace the Title and Chapter with a link that must be formatted this way:

<a href="/title/title chapter">title chapter</a>

For clarification the titles in the text file are:

D Gray Man
50 x 50

And the chapters are the numbers that follow:

  1. Read the file and store each line into an array.
  2. Open <table> tag
  3. Loop through the array and extract the date/time/title/chapter using regex.

Here is the regex to start with - you might want to modify it a little to meet your needs:

//$1 contains date : "Dec 04"
//$2 contains time : "20:15"
//$3 contains the title : "Naruto"
//$4 contains the chapter : "123"

For each item in the array, write appropriate <tr> & <td> tags filled with the extracted data.


$filedata = "Dec 04 20:15 Naruto 123
Dec 04 17:42 Naruto 98
Dec 04 16:19 D Gray Man 001
Dec 04 16:05 Bleach 128
Dec 04 12:13 50 x 50 44";

$lines = explode("\n", $filedata);

echo "<table border=\"1\">";

foreach($lines as $line)
    echo "<tr>";
    preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z]{3}\s\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2})\s(.+?)\s(\d+)\s*?$/", $line, $matches);
    echo "<td>$matches[1]</td>";
    echo "<td><a href=\"/$matches[2]/$matches[2] $matches[3]\">$matches[2] $matches[3]</a></td>";
    echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>"
thank you :D it works!
+1  A: 

Something like this should do the trick (haven't tested the code):

$data = Explode ( "\n", File_Get_Contents ( 'yourfile' ) );

foreach ( $data as $key => $line )
    $tmp = Explode ( ' ', $line );
    $month = $tmp[0];
    $day = $tmp[1];
    $time = $tmp[2];
    $numOfEntries = Count ( $tmp );
    $chapter = $tmp[$numOfEntries - 1];

    $title = '';
    for ( $i = 3; $i < $numOfEntries - 1; $i++ )
     $title .= $tmp[$i] . ' ';

    $title = Trim ( $title );

    $link = '<a href="/' . $title . '/' . $title . ' ' . $chapter . '">' . $title . ' ' . $chapter . '</a>';
Jan Hančič
Is there anyway to keep the spaces? It is outputting it without spaces.view here:
Your statement works but, as I commented earlier. Is there a way to keep the spaces?It takes out the spaces in the title.For example:D Gray Man turns into ===> DGrayMan
see my changed code ...
Jan Hančič
Thank you, that works splendid! Is there a way to do this if there are no chapters within the text file. For example after the date and time, the title is all there is?
just add some extra logic to check if the last element in the $tmp array is a number for instance, if it is then there is a chapter number, otherwise it's not (assuming chapter title can't be a number)
Jan Hančič