Has anyone been able to get the jQuery UI Dialog buttons to respond to click_button or selenium.click? I can't seem to be able to get this to work.
Basically, I'm trying to test a form in a jQuery UI Dialog in a Rails app using Cucumber/Webrat/Selenium.
I have a page with many table rows, and each row on click fires off a dialog box with a form. Each form element has a unique id so the markup is valid.
Since the buttons can be created dynamically by the Dialog plugin, I initialize the dialog to add a 'Save' and 'Cancel' button. Interestingly, the plugin inserts a button tag, not an input tag. I also add ids on open as shown below, so the buttons can be targeted by the testing framework.
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
buttons: {
'Save': function() {
// ajax submit stuff
Cancel: function() {
// cancel stuff
open: function() {
// add ids to buttons for selenium
var inventory_id = $(this).attr('id').split('_').pop();
.find('button:contains("Save")').attr('id', 'inventory_'+inventory_id+'_save_button')
.find('button:contains("Cancel")').attr('id', 'inventory_'+inventory_id+'_cancel_button');
The markup looks like:
<div id="inventory_dialog_392827" class="inventory_dialog">
<form action="/suppliers/22/listings/27738/inventory/392827" class="edit_inventory" id="edit_inventory_392827" method="post"><div style="margin:0;padding:0"><input name="_method" type="hidden" value="put" /></div>
<div class="input_block">
<label for="inventory_392827_new_quantity">Quantity</label>
<input id="inventory_392827_new_quantity" name="inventory[new_quantity]" type="text" value="10" />
<div class="input_block">
<label for="inventory_392827_claim_quantities">Groups of</label>
<input id="inventory_392827_claim_quantities" name="inventory[claim_quantities]" type="text" value="6-8" />
My Cucumber step (presently) looks like:
When /^I click the "(.+)" button in the inventory dialog$/ do |button_name|
selenium.click "//button[@id='inventory_#{@current_offer.id}_#{button_name.downcase}_button']"
When I run Cucumber and it hits 'debugger', I am able to manually 'selenium.click' in the input fields.
selenium.click "//input[@id='inventory_392827_new_quantity']"
This successfully puts a cursor in that field. However, clicking the button does not work:
selenium.click "//button[@id='inventory_392827_save_button']"
When I type that in the command line debugger, it returns nil (which I believe is success, since there is no exception), but Firefox doesn't do anything. The dialog box stays open in the browser. When I output response.body, that button is present.
I also tried
click_button "inventory_392827_save_button"
but the 'selenium_wait' command times out which means it doesn't see that element.
I'm stuck...