




So I have a big long query string that can either be ...

//url=z&surl=y&time=z&codec=a264&acodec=mp3&width=400x100 or //url=z&surl=y&time=z&optlevel=w

Im using request.getQueryString("url") to check if a) the qs is there and b) make sure its not null. This is all leading to a big messy set of if statements. I was just wondering if there is a better way to do it.


if(request.getParameter("originalURL") != null &&
        request.getParameter("originalURL").equals("") && ................)

Thanks guys


No need for null checks, because equals will always return false if you pass a null as atribute

If you want to use the value, rather than compare with specific expected values then you need the null check.

Frameworks such as JSF and Struts offer nicer abstractions for dealing with requests. When I do work with the raw Servlet APIs I use a little utility library to deal with this, and also parsing ints and dates etc.

 getStringParam( request, "originalUrl" ) {}

which would throw an exception if the param is not found, or more often I use a varient that provides a default value if the param is missing:

 getStringParam (request, "origanlUrl", "http://someusefulDefault") {}

 getIntParam(request, "howManyRivers", 93);

Sure, just refactor the duplicated code into methods or make use of an existing framework.

Basic kickoff example of refactored code:

String field1 = getField(request, "field1", true);
String field2 = getField(request, "field2", true);
String field3 = getField(request, "field3", false);


public static String getField(HttpServletRequest request, String fieldName, boolean required) throws ValidatorException {
    String fieldValue = request.getParameter(fieldName);
    if (fieldValue == null || fieldValue.trim().isEmpty()) {
        if (required) {
            throw new ValidatorException("Field is required");
        } else {
            fieldValue = null; // Make empty string null so that you don't need to hassle with equals("") afterwards.
    return fieldValue;

You can of course go a step further and adopt an existing MVC framework with validation (and conversion) capabilities, such as Sun JSF or Apache Struts.

I agree about putting the duplicated code into methods. However, I don't like passing boolean arguments, they often just mean that the method is doing more than one thing and that the method should actually be split into 2 methods (e.g. `getField()` and `getRequiredField()`). This is Robert C. Martin's Clean Code Tip #12: Eliminate Boolean Arguments (http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1392524).
Pascal Thivent
Sure, it is just a basic example. In real I would split them in 3 methods. The method taking a boolean being private. Otherwise there's only more code duplication.
@BalusC just wondering what you meant by <code>fieldValue = null; // Make empty string null so that you don't need to hassle with equals("") afterwards. </code>
If you want to recheck in the business layer if it is filled or not, you don't need to do `if (value == null || value.equals(""))` anymore, but just a `if (value == null)`.

I don't know if you are using any framework but, as other mentioned, most of them are providing utility classes for this purpose. If you aren't, you should maybe create such a class.

Personally, I like Spring's ServletRequestUtils which exposes several strong typed static methods to get parameters from the request, allowing fallback values and checking for required parameters. If I had to code something equivalent (sigh), I'd mimic this class.

Pascal Thivent