




When my application is uninstalled, the widget stays on the HOME screen and gives an error message "problem loading widget". How do I remove the widget when my application is uninstalled? Is there an attribute in the manifest that I am missing?

I have tried asking on the Google Android groups, but they take so long to approve and then it get's lost with the 100's of other questions that are ask that get approved at the same time.

I was sure that this would happen by default by the OS, but guess I was wrong.

EDITED: I am catching the "PACKAGE_ REMOVED" intent, and checking the "EXTRA_REPLACING" to make sure it's not a reinstall, but I don't know the actual code to use to actually remove the widget.


Hi, Me new to android ,actually i have a application and now my concern is 1) How do i create a home screen widget 2) And when the widget on the home screen is clicked how do i show up my application would be looking forward for your help Thank you

I would suggest creating your own topic so you can get answers.