



The only working method I found, several years ago, was :

  1. Generating ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi and ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xmi for each session bean by using XDoclet (ejbdoclet task)
  2. Making a jar (without stubs) with task jar; ;
  3. Calling the binary EJBDEPLOY with this jar without stub in parameters.

But I feel there must be a cleaner method. Which is yours ?


You question is not that clear. Have you looked into using the rational tool set? Most of these operations to generating deployment descriptor and bindings files are done for you.


The problem is that we deploy on several web servers (jonas, weblogic...), we don't want to have a server-specific framework. Hence the need of Ant tasks.

Mikael Mechoulam
you should add this "answer" as a comment to Karl.
Lucas -luky- N.
+1  A: 

i use the wsejbdeploy ant task, if you are using ws_ant that comes with RAD then you can have something like the below in your build file

<taskdef name="wsejbdeploy" classname=""/>
<wsejbdeploy inputJar="${EjbJarFile}" outputJar="${tempEjbJarFile}" workingDirectory="${tempWS.dir}"  noWarnings="true" classpathref="project.classpath"/>
Dinesh Manne