





i am wondering which book is best for starting Java development for a desktop app.

I have extensive experience in AS3, PHP and also now OOP from Java (back in the University time). But now I need to develop a desktop based app which was previously written in Delphi. Now a little Swing, but want to have a good book to show me the way.

Was thinking of using NetBeans to design the GUI and then wire it up manually and either using a SQLLite database or the Java built in DB.

Thanks for the help. Martin

+1  A: 

There are two things to consider when learning GUI development.

First, you need to learn the specific platform - Swing in this case. There are plenty of books on Swing out there.

The second thing you should learn is how to design GUIs (AKA, usability). Creating a GUI is not as simple as placing a button on the screen and having someone press it. There is a lot to consider with respect to how to provide usability to your end-users. There are a number of books available on usability and human-computer interaction. I'd recommend checking these out to if you're interested in learning how to design GUIs.


I liked swing hacks when it came out. Although i knew a bit of swing before i read it.

I also learned a lot from suns book and the howto use <some swing component> guides

I would highly discourage the use of Swing Hacks, as the entire purpose of this book is to...well...provide hacks to Swing rather than teaching about the concepts and the underlying structure of Swing. (In addition, some of the hacks have broken with some of the more recent changes to Swing.)
+2  A: 

Fithy Rich Clients is a serious book, despite its weird name.

Joonas Pulakka

Java Swing, Second Edition

Bart Kiers
+1  A: 

The Java Tutorial from Sun is a good start. http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/ is the Swing trail.

When you know how things work and get tired of doing manual layouts, the GUI designer in Netbeans is a joy to work with. The result can then be packaged and used in any IDE you like.

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen