I'm attempting to enable SSL communication from a web service client (Axis2) using the certificate on the user's CAC card. Works like a charm....UNTIL the web server is CAC enabled. At that point the SSL connection is rejected with the error message that the other certificates in the chain were not included.
I have ensured that the provider is available, either by adding it to the security.properties file or creating it programatically.
My current approach is to simply set the system properties: System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStore", "NONE"); System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStoreType", "PKCS11");
I understand from this question/answer that this approach only sends the "end entity" certificate. Apparently I need to implement my own X509KeyManager. This is new ground for me, can anyone suggest a good reference or provide samples of how to do so?
Appreciate the assistance.