



Whats the status of Lift working with Scala 2.8?

I'm finding fragments of conversations about it on the web. I've been trying tweaking the pom.xml but I'm getting errors from the Lift side of things.

+3  A: 

I believe that David Pollak has lift working with the current alpha release of 2.8. It was posted to one of the scala forums (available on nabble) a few days ago. Scala 2.8 is still in flux though, so it's not a finished project...

This post, for example, is a month old and states:

I've got Lift compiling under Scala 2.8. Well, not all of Lift, but enough of Lift to run the examples program

+4  A: 

The main trunk of Lift (including all the binaries available from will NOT run on Scala 2.8 due to breaking changes.

However... There are two branches: 280_dev and 280_port available on github (at if you're prepared to compile it yourself.

As projects can't even be guaranteed binary compatible between sucessive nightly builds of Scala 2.8. You would well be advised to wait at least until a 2.8 beta is released, as I believe that lift will also release a corresponding binary at this time.


Lift 2.1 has Scala 2.8 support.

Kevin Wright
Thanks Kevin, yea it seems like a bad idea to be making the jump at this stage.
Brian Heylin
Alos, it seems that 2.8 is b0rken when it comes to lift, as lift appears to have exposed some rather nasty bugs in the 2.8 compiler as it is. There's a whole conversation on the lift google group.
Jim Barrows
+1  A: 

To keep things current Scala is to go to beta next week (the end of Jan 2010), as for Liftweb it's 2.0-M1.
