I have a homework assignment that's really baking my noodle. It involves an elevator simulation that takes user inputs for the number of floors and the number of people using the elevator. the people's starting floor and destination floors are random numbers within the floors.
I realize that my code is very sparse and that there's quite a few gaps, but I really don't know where to go from here.
I need help within the building class, such as how to make the run() and output() sections work. any other tips would be greatly appreciated and helpful. Note that i am not looking for someone to do the code for me, but to kind of hold my hand and tell me which way to go. Classes seem to be completely mystifying to me.
import random
floors=raw_input('Please enter the number of floors for the simulation:')
while floors.isalpha() or floors.isspace() or int(floors) <=0:
floors=raw_input('Please re enter a digit for number of floors:')
customers=raw_input('Please enter the number of customers in the building:')
while customers.isalpha() or customers.isspace() or int(customers) <0:
customers=raw_input('Please re enter a digit for number of customers:')
count = 1
class building:
def num_of_floors():
num_of_floors = floors
def customer_list():
customer_list = customers
def run(self):
def output(self):
print elevator.cur_floor
class elevator:
def num_of_floors():
def register_list():
register_list = []
def cur_floor(building):
cur_floor = 1
def direction(self):
if elevator.cur_floor == 1:
direction = up
if elevator.cur_floor == floors:
direction = down
def move(self):
if elevator.direction == up:
cur_floor +=1
if elevator.direction == down:
cur_floor -=1
def register_customer(self, customer):
def cancel_customer (self, customer):
class customer:
def cur_floor(customer):
cur_floor = random.randint(0,int(floors))
def dst_floor(customer):
dst_floor = random.randint(0,int(floors))
while dst_floor == cur_floor:
dst_floor = random.randint(0,int(floors))
def ID():
cust_id = count
def cust_dict(cust_id,dst_floor):
cust_dict = {cust_id:dst_floor}
def in_elevator():
in_elevator = 0
if customer.ID in register_list:
in_elevator = 1
def finished():
if customer.ID not in register_list: