




I wrote a quick Python script to compare two files, each containing unordered hashes, in order to verify that both files are identical aside from order. Then I rewrote it in Ruby for educational purposes.

The Python implementation takes seconds, while the Ruby implementation takes around 4 minutes.

I have a feeling this is most likely due to my lack of Ruby knowledge, any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

Environment is Windows XP x64, Python 2.6, Ruby 1.8.6


f = open('c:\\file1.txt', 'r')

hashes = dict()

for line in f.readlines():
    if not line in hashes:
        hashes[line] = 1
        hashes[line] += 1

print "Done file 1"


f = open('c:\\file2.txt', 'r')

for line in f.readlines():
    if not line in hashes:
        print "Hash not found!"
        hashes[line] -= 1


print "Done file 2"

num_errors = 0

for key in hashes.keys():
    if hashes[key] != 0:
        print "Uneven hash count: %s" % key
        num_errors += 1

print "Total of %d mismatches found" % num_errors


file = File.open("c:\\file1.txt", "r")
hashes = {}

file.each_line { |line|
  if hashes.has_key?(line)
    hashes[line] += 1
    hashes[line] = 1


puts "Done file 1"

file = File.open("c:\\file2.txt", "r")

file.each_line { |line|
  if hashes.has_key?(line)
    hashes[line] -= 1
    puts "Hash not found!"


puts "Done file 2"

num_errors = 0
hashes.each_key{ |key|
  if hashes[key] != 0
    num_errors += 1

puts "Total of #{num_errors} mismatches found"

EDIT To give an idea of scale, each file is pretty big, over 900 000 hashes.


Using a nathanvda's suggestions, here is the optimized ruby script:

f1 = "c:\\file1.txt"
f2 = "c:\\file2.txt"

hashes = Hash.new(0)

File.open(f1, "r") do |f|
  while line = f.gets
    hashes[line] += 1

not_founds = 0

File.open(f2, "r") do |f|
  while line = f.gets
    if hashes.has_key?(line)
      hashes[line] -= 1
      not_founds += 1

num_errors = hashes.values.to_a.select { |z| z != 0}.size   

puts "Total of #{not_founds} lines not found in file2"
puts "Total of #{num_errors} mismatches found"

On windows with Ruby 1.8.7, the original version took 250 seconds and the optimized version took 223.

On a linux VM! running ruby 1.9.1, the original version ran in 81 seconds, about 1/3 the time as windows 1.8.7. Interestingly, the optimized version took longer at 89 seconds. Note that while line = ... was necessary due to memory constraints.

On windows with Ruby 1.9.1, the original took 457 seconds and the optimized version took 543.

On windows with jRuby, the original took 45 seconds and the optimized version took 43.

I am somewhat surprised by the results, I was expecting 1.9.1 to be an improvement over 1.8.7.

+5  A: 

It could be because dicts in Python are much faster than hashes in Ruby

I've just run a quick test, building a hash of 12345678 item in Ruby1.8.7 took 3 times as long as Python. Ruby1.9 was about twice as long as Python.

Here is how I tested

$ time python -c "d={}
for i in xrange(12345678):d[i]=1"


$ time ruby -e "d={};12345678.times{|i|d[i]=1}"

Not enough to account for your discrepancy though.

Perhaps file I/O is worth looking into - comment out all the hash code and see how long the empty loops take to run over the files.

Here's another version in Python using defaultdict and context managers

from collections import defaultdict
hashes = defaultdict(int)

with open('c:\\file1.txt', 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
        hashes[line] += 1

print "Done file 1"

with open('c:\\file2.txt', 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
        if line in hashes:
            hashes[line] -= 1
            print "Hash not found!"

print "Done file 2"

num_errors = 0
for key,value in hashes.items():  # hashes.iteritems() might be better here
    if value != 0:
        print "Uneven hash count: %s" % key
        num_errors += 1

print "Total of %d mismatches found" % num_errors
I believe you mean `for key, value in hashes.items()` (or `hashes.iteritems()`) rather than `hashes.keys()`.
Chris Lutz
Good catch, thanks Chris
In his case, he is hashing strings. changing your python test to use: d[str(i)]=1 gives me a fourfold increase in time. I don't know enough Ruby to change the Ruby example and compare.
Mark Peters
@Mark, it would be `i.to_s` for ruby
@gnibbler, my times:Python (int): 0m4.359sPython (str): 0m16.202sRuby (int): 0m8.092sRuby (str): 0m36.648sSeems like they scale about the same.
Mark Peters
+2  A: 

On the python side, you could iterate over the dictionary items like this:

for key, value in hashes.iteritems():
    if value != 0:
        print "Uneven hash count: %s" % key
        num_errors += 1


for line in f.readlines():
    hashes[line] = hashes.setdefault(line, 0) + 1

... but I can't help you with the Ruby side, other than to suggest you hunt down a profiler.

If the dictionary has a lot of elements, you should use `hashes.iteritems()` instead.
Chris Lutz
@Chris: Quite right; answer updated accordingly.
+4  A: 

I've found Ruby's reference implementation (well, Ruby) to be (unscientifically stated) dog slow.

If you have the opportunity, please try running your program under JRuby! Charles Nutter and other Sun folks claim to have sped Ruby up dramatically.

I for one would be most interested in your results.

Carl Smotricz
Ruby 1.8.6 in particular was not very fast. And the version of Python in question is quite a bit newer. Ruby 1.9 would surely be better.
I tried jRuby, and while it was MUCH faster than the 1.8.6 interpreter, at ~45 seconds it was still 3x slower than Python (~15s)
Interesting. Thank you VERY much!
Carl Smotricz

I'm not a Ruby expert, so someone please correct me if I'm wrong:

I see a small optimization potential.

If you say

hashes = hash.new(0)

then a reference to an undefined hash will return 0 and store the key; and you can do

hashes[line] += 1

every time, without the enclosing if and else.

Caveat: Untested!

If storing the key doesn't happen automatically, there's yet another hash constructor using a block where you can do it explicitly.

Carl Smotricz
Similarly, `collections.defaultdict(lambda : 0)` for Python. http://docs.python.org/library/collections.html#defaultdict-objects
Craig McQueen
I believe that it is more typically written `collections.defaultdict(int)`.

Python's dictionary is brutally fast. See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/327311/how-are-pythons-built-in-dictionaries-implemented Perhaps Ruby's is not so crash hot.

I doubt it's the hash functions. There's no way the Ruby devs would have a hash function that's an order of magnitude worse than Python's.

Perhaps Ruby 1.8 is slow at dynamically resizing large hash tables? How does your problem scale with smaller files?

In terms of scale, the difference between inputs of 1 000 and 10 000 is minimal. The difference between 10 000 and 100 000 is nearly linear. The difference between 100 000 to near 1 000 000 is massive. This suggests to me that it is scaling exponentially.

I was able to speed up your ruby code a bit as follows:

require 'benchmark'

Benchmark.bm(10) do |x|

  x.report("original version") do
    file = File.open("c:\\file1.txt", "r")
    hashes = {}

    file.each_line { |line|
      if hashes.has_key?(line)
        hashes[line] += 1
        hashes[line] = 1


    #puts "Done file 1"

    not_founds = 0

    file = File.open("c:\\file2.txt", "r")

    file.each_line { |line|
      if hashes.has_key?(line)
        hashes[line] -= 1
        not_founds += 1        


    #puts "Done file 2"

    num_errors = 0
    hashes.each_key{ |key|
      if hashes[key] != 0
        num_errors += 1

    puts "Total of #{not_founds} lines not found in file2"
    puts "Total of #{num_errors} mismatches found"


  x.report("my speedup") do
    hashes = {}
    File.open("c:\\file1.txt", "r") do |f|
      lines = f.readlines
      lines.each { |line|
        if hashes.has_key?(line)
          hashes[line] += 1
          hashes[line] = 1

    not_founds = 0

    File.open("c:\\file2.txt", "r") do |f|
      lines = f.readlines
      lines.each { |line|
        if hashes.has_key?(line)
          hashes[line] -= 1
          not_founds += 1

    num_errors = hashes.values.to_a.select { |z| z != 0}.size   

    puts "Total of #{not_founds} lines not found in file2"
    puts "Total of #{num_errors} mismatches found"



so i read the files in one bug chunk, this is in my case a bit faster (i tested on Windows XP, ruby 1.8.6 and a file of 100000 lines). I benchmarked all different ways to read files (i could think off), and this was the fastest way. Also i did speed up the counting of the values in a hash a bit, but this is only visible if you did it for very large numbers :)

So i get a very small speed-increase here. The output on my machine is as follows:

                user     system      total        real
original versionTotal of 16 lines not found in file2
Total of 4 mismatches found
   1.000000   0.015000   1.015000 (  1.016000)
my speedup v1Total of 16 lines not found in file2
Total of 4 mismatches found
   0.812000   0.047000   0.859000 (  0.859000)

Who has any ideas to improve this further?

If the f.readlines goes slower, because of the size, i found that

File.open("c:\\file2.txt", "r") do |f|
  while (line=f.gets)
    if hashes.has_key?(line)
      hashes[line] -= 1
      not_founds += 1

is just a tad quicker for me.

I was thinking about about a way to improve the

if hashes.has_key?(line) ...

code a bit, but could not think of anything.

Have you tried using Ruby 1.9?

I have a Windows 7 Virtual Machine with Ruby 1.9.1, and there the f.readlines was slower, and i needed to use the while (line=f.gets) because of the memory limitations :)

Since a lot uf Ruby users test mainly on Unix related platforms, i guess that could explain why the code is sub-optimal on Windows. Has anybody compared the above mentioned performance on Unix? Is this a ruby vs. python problem, or Ruby-windows vs. Ruby-Unix?
