I'm implementing a Graph which holds "Book" objects as its nodes. The nodes are connected if the books share a keyword. The keywords for each book are held in a Vector within the Book class. To do this, I've created 3 classes.
1) Books 2) Vertex 3) Graph
The Vertex class holds the Book object and also has a Vector containing all the other Vertex objects (other books which share a keyword). In the Driver, I create the book, pass it to a Graph which then inserts it into a Vertex and finally the Vertex into a Vector named "bookGraph".
public final class Graph {
private Vector bookGraph = new Vector(); private int bookCounter = 0;
public Graph() {
public void addBook(Book bk) { Vertex vtx = new Vertex(bk);
bookGraph.add(vtx); bookCounter++;
System.out.println("Book #1 has " + bookGraph.get(0).getBook().getKeywords().size() + " keywords");
// addAdjVertices();
public void showKeywords() {
System.out.println("Book #1 is " + bookGraph.get(0).getBook().getKeywords().size() + " keywords");
The information from the books are read from a file in the Driver and inserted into a book object. I'm trying to make sure that this information is read in correctly and properly inserted into the Graph. My problem occurs when trying to get the size of the keyword Vector within the "showKeywords()" method in the Graph class. bookGraph.get(0).getBook().getKeywords().size() returns 0 when the exact same command in the addBook() method returns the correct size. I've implemented accessor methods such as getTitle() or getAuthor() in the Book class and those work correctly within the showKeywords() method. The keyword vector seems to be the only issue within the showKeywords() method. What am I doing wrong here?
Here is my Driver class....
boolean fileopen = false;
String title, author, keys;
long isbn_number;
Vector<String> keywords = new Vector<String>();
String filename = "books.txt";
String[] keywordTokens;
Scanner fin = null;
Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in);
Graph books = new Graph();
try {
fin = new Scanner (new FileReader(filename));
String fline;
fileopen = true;
System.out.println("Reading books.txt...");
while (fin.hasNextLine()) {
fline = fin.nextLine();
title = fline;
fline = fin.nextLine();
author = fline;
fline = fin.nextLine();
isbn_number = Long.parseLong(fline);
fline = fin.nextLine();
keywordTokens = fline.split(",");
for (int x = 0; x < keywordTokens.length; x++) {
Book tempBook = new Book(title,author,isbn_number,keywords);
if (fin.hasNextLine()) fline = fin.nextLine();
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("FILE NOT FOUND!");