I'm loading some python code from a database (it's doing dynamic mapping of values that I can change at runtime without a code redeploy).
In my code, I'm doing this to execute the database code:
if lMapping:
print lMapping
exec lMapping
lValue = mapping(lValue, lCsvRow)
and here's the value of lMapping:
def mapping(pValue, pCsvRow):
lInterimStatus = pCsvRow[5]
lOutComeStatus = pCsvRow[6]
if len(lInterimStatus) == 0:
lStatus = lOutComeStatus
lStatus = lInterimStatus
lStatus = lStatus.lower()
'completed with lender' : '4828',
'not taken up' : '4827',
'declined across all lenders' : '4726',
'declined broker duplicate' : '4726',
'pending' : '4725',
'pending (in progress with broker)' : '4725',
'pending (in progress with lender)' : '4725',
'lender accept in principle' : '4827',
'lender decline duplicate' : '4743',
'lender decline post code not supported' : '4743',
'lender decline score fail' : '4743',
'lender decline policy fail' : '4743',
'lender decline no client contact' : '4743',
'lender decline general' : '4743',
'lender decline bad data' : '4743',
Whenever I do this I'm getting a syntax error on the exec line, I can't work out why:
(<type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'>:invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
It works if I write the code from the database to a file first:
print lMapping
lFile = open('/mapping.py','w')
lReadFile = open('/mapping.py')
exec lReadFile
lValue = mapping(lValue, lCsvRow)