




This code is working on browsers other than IE:

table.tbl.tr.td:first-child { display: none; }

What shall I use for to make it work on all browsers?


Well, the short answer is you can't get this working in earlier versions of IE. I'm guessing IE8 would handle it. There's a CSS hack called expressions that would solve the issue but expressions are such a bad idea I won't even show you how to do it.

Keep your CSS the way it is, and add a JavaScript that does the same for you on DOMReady if the client is on IE.

David Hedlund
+1  A: 

Sadly, very little can be done. <colgroup> seems tempting, but browsers treat it differently.
You may have to manually add a class for each cell, or use JavaScript.

How to hide a cell?
using `display:none`, like Linus' answer. Or using jQuery, for example, `$('table td:first-child').hide()`
+3  A: 

Unfortunately, older versions of IE do not support :first-child in CSS. Don't know about IE8. Anyways, if you don't want to do javascript, and you have access to the html, it's pretty easy to assign a "first" class to the first column tds in the table. So the html will look like:

    <td class="first">...</td>

You can then create a css entry like:

table td.first { display: none; }
It's really the only cross browser compatible way that I know of. +1

Your expression above won't work at all. table.tbl.tr.td will select a table element that is defined like this: <table class="tbl tr td"> but not its cells.

It should be like this and is supported in nearly all browsers except IE6 and below:

table.tbl tr td:first-child { display: none; }

For IE you should/could be able set up col and colspans for your table columns then hide those in CSS.

As far as I know this will only work in IE, which (for once, to it's credit) has the best implementation of col and colspan. Other browsers are weak here (but it's a very minor part of the spec)
