Is there a method for changing the LSB value of java.awt.Color RGB components?
The Color class is immutable, you can't change anything. However, you can create a new color with whatever value you want. For example,
int oldValue = oldColor.getRGB();
int newValue = (oldValue & 0xFFFFFF00) | (lsb & 0xFF);
Color newColor = new Color(newValue);
ZZ Coder
2009-12-08 20:17:22
Turning a bit on:
int value = someValue | 0x1;
Turning a bit off:
int value = someValue & (~0x1);
Toggling the bit on or off if it was off or on before:
int value = someValue ^ 0x1;
In other words: someValue is binary OR'ed with a number with the LSB on so the resulting number will have its LSB on too.
someValue is AND'ed with a number with all bits except LSB on so the resulting number will have LSB OFF.
someValue is XOR'ed with with a number with the LSB on, so the resulting number will have its LSB toggled.
2009-12-09 03:15:30