I've been spending some of my spare time working a set of collections for ActionScript 3 but I've hit a pretty serious roadblock thanks for the way ActionScript 3 handles equality checks inside Dictionary Objects.
When you compare a key in a dictionary, ActionScript uses the === operator to perform the comparison, this has a bit of a nasty side effect whereby only references to the same instance will resolve true and not objects of equality. Here's what I mean:
const jonny1 : Person = new Person("jonny", 26);
const jonny2 : Person = new Person("jonny", 26);
const table : Dictionary = new Dictionary();
table[jonny1] = "That's me";
trace(table[jonny1]) // traces: "That's me"
trace(table[jonny2]) // traces: undefined.
The way I am attempting to combat this is to provide an Equalizer interface which looks like this:
public interface Equalizer
function equals(object : Object) : Boolean;
This allows to to perform an instanceOf-esq. check whenever I need to perform an equality operation inside my collections (falling back on the === operator when the object doesn't implement Equalizer); however, this doesn't get around the fact that my underlying datastructure (the Dictionary Object) has no knowledge of this.
The way I am currently working around the issue is by iterating through all the keys in the dictionary and performing the equality check whenever I perform a containsKey() or get() operation - however, this pretty much defeats the entire point of a hashmap (cheap lookup operations).
If I am unable to continue using a Dictionary instance as the backing for map, how would I go about creating the hashes for unique object instances passed in as keys so I can still maintain equality?