Doing a little research, I found an interesting little tidbit on a jQuery context menu plugin
*Opera 9.5 has an option to allow scripts to detect right-clicks, but it
is disabled by default. Furthermore,
Opera still doesn’t allow JavaScript
to disable the browser’s default
context menu which causes a usability
Found another interesting bit that may lead you in the right direction in the opera.linux google group
Opera doesn't support the javascript
event oncontextmenu
which these
scripts use. Opera does support
, but as you see that is
disabled by default. I've been told in
the past by our developers that
implementing support is not as trivial
as making oncontextmenu
an alias
for onrightclick
, the former
apparently does a lot more.
... and this code snippet using event.button
to test for right click ...
if( e && e.button == 2 ){
return false;
However, none of these solutions are going to give you what you desire (based on the first quoted segment)...
Seems Opera is of the opinion that right clicking on web pages should always give the user the "standard" context menu.