Compile your pattern into a Perl sub:
sub compile {
use feature 'switch';
my($pattern) = @_;
die "illegal pattern" unless $pattern =~ /^[-xo]+$/;
my $i = 0;
for (split //, $pattern) {
given ($_) {
when ("x") {
$search .= "."; $replace .= "x";
when ("o") {
$search .= "(?<sub$i>.)";
$replace .= "\$+{sub$i}";
when ("-") {
$search .= "(?<sub$i>.*)";
$replace .= "\$+{sub$i}";
my $code = q{
sub {
local($_) = @_;
$code =~ s/SEARCH/$search/;
$code =~ s/REPLACE/$replace/;
#print $code;
local $@;
my $sub = eval $code;
die $@ if $@;
To be more concise, you could write
sub _patref { '$+{sub' . $_[0]++ . '}' }
sub compile {
my($pattern) = @_;
die "illegal pattern" unless $pattern =~ /^[-xo]+$/;
my %gen = (
'x' => sub { $_[1] .= '.'; $_[2] .= 'x' },
'o' => sub { $_[1] .= "(?<sub$_[0]>.)"; $_[2] .= &_patref },
'-' => sub { $_[1] .= "(?<sub$_[0]>.*)"; $_[2] .= &_patref },
my($i,$search,$replace) = (0,"","");
while $pattern =~ /(.)/g;
eval "sub { local(\$_) = \@_; s/\\A$search\\z/$replace/; \$_ }"
or die $@;
Testing it:
use v5.10;
my $replace = compile "xxox-x";
my @tests = (
[ deadbeef => "xxaxbeex" ],
[ deadabbabeef => "xxaxabbabeex" ],
for (@tests) {
my($input,$expect) = @$_;
my $got = $replace->($input);
print "$input => $got : ", ($got eq $expect ? "PASS" : "FAIL"), "\n";
deadbeef => xxaxbeex : PASS
deadabbabeef => xxaxabbabeex : PASS
Note that you'll need Perl 5.10.x for given ... when