




I was wondering if it is possible to iterate over arguments passed to a variadic macro in C99 or using any GCC extensions ?

For e.g. is it possible to write a generic macro that takes a structure and its fields passed as arguments and prints offset of each field within the structure ?

Something like this:

struct a {
    int a;
    int b;
    int c;

/* PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS will print offset of each of the fields 
   within structure passed as the first argument.

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS(struct a, a, b, c);

    return 0;

This is the best I can think of, with standard C:

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// prints a single offset
#define PRN_STRUCT_OFFSET(x, a) printf("&" #x "." #a " = %d\n", offsetof(x, a));

// prints a struct with one member

// prints a struct with two members
#define PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_2(x, a, b) \
            PRN_STRUCT_OFFSET(x, a) \
            PRN_STRUCT_OFFSET(x, b)

// and so on until some N.
// Boost.Preprocessor might help here, I'm not sure

struct some_struct
    int a;
    void* c;

int main(void)
    PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_2(struct some_struct, a, c);

    return 0;
actually, i misread the question, i thought he wanted to output the _values_, not the _offsets_ but that's not the case ;)
You still had a valid point :) Just not what you thought.

If your structure is described with X-Macros, then it is possible to write a function, or a macro to iterate over all the fields of the structure and print their offset.

#include <stddef.h>   // offsetof macro

//--- first describe the structure, the fields, their types
#define X_FIELDS \
    X(int,    field1) \
    X(int,    field2) \
    X(char,   field3) \
    X(char *, field4)

//--- define the structure, the X macro will be expanded once per field
typedef struct {
#define X(type, name) type name;
#undef X
} mystruct;

//--- "iterate" over all fields of the structure and print out their offset
void print_offset(mystruct *aStruct)
#define X(type, name) printf("offset of %s is %d\n", #name, offsetof(mystruct, name));
#undef X

//--- demonstrate
int main(int ac, char**av)
    mystruct a = { 0, 1, 'a', "hello"};

    return 0;
wow that obfuscates the code a lot
Gregory Pakosz
It only obfuscates the declaration of the structure and the function that prints the offsets, but not that much when you know the effect of the X() macro. But the advantage is that when you have to add a new field to the structure, you only have one place to modify, the X_FIELDS macro. Recompile and the print_offset() function will print the offset of the new field. Don't Repeat yourself!
and only applies if the structure is yours and you are willing to clutter (imho) its definition
Gregory Pakosz
+1  A: 

Maybe use the varargs as an array initializer, and iterate over countof(array)? i.e. sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]). The array could potentially be a C99 anonymous array.

I can't think of another way to iterate over the var-args of a macro, since I don't know how to do anything to the text of each var-arg element. The var-arg part might as well be a single argument that has commas in it, for all you can do to it with CPP, AFAIK.

But here's my idea for iterating over var-args:

#define MACRO(fd, format, ...) do { int ar_[] = { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
for(int i=0; i<countof(ar_) ; ++i){ \
    fprintf(fd, format, ar_[i]); \
} } while(0)
Peter Cordes
I'm sorry but I fail to see how this snippet answers the question. First the code misses a definition of `countof` although you give it in the first paragraph. Then it should be `int ar_[]`. Finally it would only work when invoking the macro with a variable argument list of `int` arguments; like this `MACRO(stdout, "%d", 1, 2, 3)`
Gregory Pakosz
Obviously you need to adjust the macro to fit your situation. You could make the type one of the macro params. Thanks for catching the missing [], though.
Peter Cordes
still, the use of this array means 2 things: all the arguments passed through the variable argument list need to be of the same type (in your case `int`) and must have a public copy constructor
Gregory Pakosz
Yes, there are major limitations to this. I'm not claiming it's a good or generally useful answer! It may be the best you can do in C99 / GNU C, though. In C++, could you do something with templates instead?
Peter Cordes
I didn't try with templates yet but I edited my answer trying to be more generic
Gregory Pakosz
see for a c++0x version
Gregory Pakosz
+2  A: 

Here is my homework of the day, it's based on macro tricks and today I particularly learnt about __VA_NARG__ invented by Laurent Deniau. Anyway, the following sample code works up to 8 fields for the sake of clarity. Just extend the code by duplicating if you need more (this is because the preprocessor doesn't feature recursion, as it reads the file only once).

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>

struct a
  int a;
  int b;
  int c;

struct b
  int a;
  int b;
  int c;
  int d;

#define STRINGIZE(arg)  STRINGIZE1(arg)
#define STRINGIZE1(arg) STRINGIZE2(arg)
#define STRINGIZE2(arg) #arg

#define CONCATENATE(arg1, arg2)   CONCATENATE1(arg1, arg2)
#define CONCATENATE1(arg1, arg2)  CONCATENATE2(arg1, arg2)
#define CONCATENATE2(arg1, arg2)  arg1##arg2

/* PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS will print offset of each of the fields 
 within structure passed as the first argument.
#define PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_1(structure, field, ...) printf(STRINGIZE(structure)":"STRINGIZE(field)"-%d\n", offsetof(structure, field));
#define PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_2(structure, field, ...)\
  printf(STRINGIZE(structure)":"STRINGIZE(field)"-%d\n", offsetof(structure, field));\
  PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_1(structure, __VA_ARGS__)
#define PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_3(structure, field, ...)\
  printf(STRINGIZE(structure)":"STRINGIZE(field)"-%d\n", offsetof(structure, field));\
  PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_2(structure, __VA_ARGS__)
#define PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_4(structure, field, ...)\
  printf(STRINGIZE(structure)":"STRINGIZE(field)"-%d\n", offsetof(structure, field));\
  PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_3(structure, __VA_ARGS__)
#define PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_5(structure, field, ...)\
  printf(STRINGIZE(structure)":"STRINGIZE(field)"-%d\n", offsetof(structure, field));\
 PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_4(structure, __VA_ARGS__)
#define PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_6(structure, field, ...)\
  printf(STRINGIZE(structure)":"STRINGIZE(field)"-%d\n", offsetof(structure, field));\
  PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_5(structure, __VA_ARGS__)
#define PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_7(structure, field, ...)\
  printf(STRINGIZE(structure)":"STRINGIZE(field)"-%d\n", offsetof(structure, field));\
  PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_6(structure, __VA_ARGS__)
#define PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_8(structure, field, ...)\
  printf(STRINGIZE(structure)":"STRINGIZE(field)"-%d\n", offsetof(structure, field));\
  PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_7(structure, __VA_ARGS__)

#define PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_ARG_N(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, N, ...) N 
#define PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_RSEQ_N() 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

#define PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_(N, structure, field, ...) CONCATENATE(PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_, N)(structure, field, __VA_ARGS__)

#define PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS(structure, field, ...) PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_(PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_NARG(field, __VA_ARGS__), structure, field, __VA_ARGS__)

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS(struct a, a, b, c);
  PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS(struct b, a, b, c, d);

  return 0;

which prints out:

struct a:a-0
struct a:b-4
struct a:c-8

struct b:a-0
struct b:b-4
struct b:c-8
struct b:d-12

EDIT: Here is a slightly different version that tries to be more generic. The FOR_EACH(what, ...) macro applies what to every other argument in the variable argument list.

So, you just have to define a macro that takes a single argument like this:

#define DO_STUFF(x) foo(x)

which is going to be applied to every argument in the list. So, for your typical example you need to hack a bit but it still remains concise:

#define PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_(structure, field) printf(STRINGIZE(structure)":"STRINGIZE(field)" - offset = %d\n", offsetof(structure, field));
#define PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS(field) PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_(struct a, field)

And you apply it like this:


Finally, a complete sample program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>

struct a
  int a;
  int b;
  int c;

#define STRINGIZE(arg)  STRINGIZE1(arg)
#define STRINGIZE1(arg) STRINGIZE2(arg)
#define STRINGIZE2(arg) #arg

#define CONCATENATE(arg1, arg2)   CONCATENATE1(arg1, arg2)
#define CONCATENATE1(arg1, arg2)  CONCATENATE2(arg1, arg2)
#define CONCATENATE2(arg1, arg2)  arg1##arg2

#define FOR_EACH_1(what, x, ...) what(x)
#define FOR_EACH_2(what, x, ...)\
  FOR_EACH_1(what,  __VA_ARGS__);
#define FOR_EACH_3(what, x, ...)\
  FOR_EACH_2(what, __VA_ARGS__);
#define FOR_EACH_4(what, x, ...)\
  FOR_EACH_3(what,  __VA_ARGS__);
#define FOR_EACH_5(what, x, ...)\
 FOR_EACH_4(what,  __VA_ARGS__);
#define FOR_EACH_6(what, x, ...)\
  FOR_EACH_5(what,  __VA_ARGS__);
#define FOR_EACH_7(what, x, ...)\
  FOR_EACH_6(what,  __VA_ARGS__);
#define FOR_EACH_8(what, x, ...)\
  FOR_EACH_7(what,  __VA_ARGS__);

#define FOR_EACH_NARG_(...) FOR_EACH_ARG_N(__VA_ARGS__) 
#define FOR_EACH_ARG_N(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, N, ...) N 
#define FOR_EACH_RSEQ_N() 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

#define FOR_EACH_(N, what, x, ...) CONCATENATE(FOR_EACH_, N)(what, x, __VA_ARGS__)
#define FOR_EACH(what, x, ...) FOR_EACH_(FOR_EACH_NARG(field, __VA_ARGS__), what, x, __VA_ARGS__)

#define PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_(structure, field) printf(STRINGIZE(structure)":"STRINGIZE(field)" - offset = %d\n", offsetof(structure, field));
#define PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS(field) PRN_STRUCT_OFFSETS_(struct a, field)

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  return 0;
Gregory Pakosz
I hope the length of the answer won't frighten you too much
Gregory Pakosz
Neat. I was wondering whether it would be possible to split up a __VA_ARGS__ by passing it to another macro that had a named argument to catch one of the __VA_ARGS__, so I liked this answer. Too bad CPP makes you write macros for each count, instead of allowing recursive expansion and doing something different when there are no args left. I don't know if I'd ever include that big a collection of macros unless it was going to save a lot of code somewhere. Well, maybe for my own use during development... Anyway, neat trick.
Peter Cordes
That's a nice trick Gregory. I had stumbled upon the __VA_NARG__ post when googling, but didn't know (or was ignorant) that you could use it to build a dispatcher macro based on number of arguments.GMan, yours was the approach I had originally taken.phillipe, X-Macros is an interesting approach.Thanks to all of you guys for your responses.

I'm adding this as another answer. Here is a try at doing it with C++0x, compiled with g++ 4.5.0

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template<typename L>
inline void for_each(L l)

template<typename L, typename P, typename... Q>
inline void for_each(L l, P arg, Q... args)
  for_each(l, args...);

int main()
  for_each([] (int x) { cout << x; }, 1, 2, 3);

  return 0;

The program prints


However, with this approach, all the parameters you pass to the lambda expression need to have the same type, int in the example above. However, lambdas allow you to capture variables like:

int main()
  int offset = 10;

  for_each([offset] (int x) { cout << offset + x << endl; }, 1, 2, 3);

  return 0;

which prints out:

Gregory Pakosz