
Forward an invocation of a variadic function in C

In C, is it possible to forward the invocation of a variadic function? As in, int my_printf(char *fmt, ...) { fprintf(stderr, "Calling printf with fmt %s", fmt); return SOMEHOW_INVOKE_LIBC_PRINTF; } Forwarding the invocation in the manner above obviously isn't strictly necessary in this case (since you could log invocations in oth...

C/C++: How to make a variadic macro (variable number of arguments)

I want to write a macro in C that accepts any number of parameters, not a specific number e.g. #define macro( X ) something_complicated( whatever( X ) ) where X is any number of parameters I need this because whatever is overloaded and can be called with 2 or 4 parameters. I tried defining the macro twice, but the second definiti...

Smart variadic expansion based on format string

I have a daemon that reads a configuration file in order to know where to write something. In the configuration file, a line like this exists: output = /tmp/foo/%d/%s/output Or, it may look like this: output = /tmp/foo/%s/output/%d ... or simply like this: output = /tmp/foo/%s/output ... or finally: output = /tmp/output I hav...

What was the design decision for variadic functions needing an array?

I am curious and hopefully someone can shed somelight on this - but why do the C# functions that take 'params' have to be an array? I get that the objects in the parameters list are entered into an array but what if someone wants to create a variadic function that takes in an undefined number of array objects? Take this function for ex...

Passing parameters dynamically to variadic functions

Hi there. I was wondering if there was any way to pass parameters dynamically to variadic functions. i.e. If I have a function int some_function (int a, int b, ...){/*blah*/} and I am accepting a bunch of values from the user, I want some way of passing those values into the function: some_function (a,b, val1,val2,...,valn) I don...

Is it possible to iterate over arguments in variadic macros ?

Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to iterate over arguments passed to a variadic macro in C99 or using any GCC extensions ? For e.g. is it possible to write a generic macro that takes a structure and its fields passed as arguments and prints offset of each field within the structure ? Something like this: struct a { int a; ...

how to help programmer write safe and correct printf calls in C?

[Updated organization and content for clarity] The Real Question What would be a good way, for C, to help a programmer, while s/he's typing, write safe and correct calls to project-specific printf-like debugging functions? C macros? C wrapper functions? Code editor macros or templates? Other? Background Questions and Answers Much so...

Check if C++0x parameter pack contains a type

I was wondering if C++0x provides any built-in capabilities to check if a parameter pack of a variadic template contains a specific type. Today, boost:::mpl::contains can be used to accomplish this if you are using boost::mpl::vector as a substitute for variadic templates proper. However, it has serious compilation-time overhead. I suppo...

C++ preprocessor __VA_ARGS__ number of arguments

Simple question for which I could not find answer on the net. In variadic argument macros, how to find the number of arguments? I am okay with boost preprocessor, if it has the solution. If it makes a difference, I am trying to convert variable number of macro arguments to boost preprocessor sequence, list, or array for further reproce...

Objective-C passing around ... nil terminated argument lists

Having some issues with the ... in ObjectiveC. I'm basically wrapping a method and want to accept a nil terminated list and directly pass that same list to the method I am wrapping. Here's what I have but it causes an EXC_BAD_ACCESS crash. Inspecting the local vars, it appears when otherButtonTitles is simply a NSString when it is pas...

C++ overloading operator comma for variadic arguments

is it possible to construct variadic arguments for function by overloading operator comma of the argument? i want to see an example how to do so.., maybe something like this: template <typename T> class ArgList { public: ArgList(const T& a); ArgList<T>& operator,(const T& a,const T& b); } //declaration void myFunction(ArgList<in...

Mixins, variadic templates, and CRTP in C++

Here's the scenario: I'd like to have a host class that can have a variable number of mixins (not too hard with variadic templates--see for example However, I'd also like the mixins to be parameterized by the host class, so that they can refer to its public types (using th...

About variadic templates

Hi, I'm currently experiencing with the new c++0x variadic templates, and it's quite fun, Although I have a question about the process of member instantiation. in this example, I'm trying to emulate the strongly typed enum with the possibility of choose a random valid strong enum (this is used for unit testing). #include<vector> #in...

Generic allocator class without variadic templates?

I am trying to write a generic allocator class that does not really release an object's memory when it is free()'d but holds it in a queue and returns a previously allocated object if a new one is requested. Now, what I can't wrap my head around is how to pass arguments to the object's constructor when using my allocator (at least withou...

How to properly use references with variadic templates

I have something like the following code: template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4> void inc(T1& t1, T2& t2, T3& t3, T4& t4) { ++t1; ++t2; ++t3; ++t4; } template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3> void inc(T1& t1, T2& t2, T3& t3) { ++t1; ++t2; ++t3; } template<typename T1, typename T2> void inc...

Binder and variadic template ends up in a segmentation fault

I wrote the following program #include <iostream> template<typename C, typename Res, typename... Args> class bind_class_t { private: Res (C::*f)(Args...); C *c; public: bind_class_t(Res (C::*f)(Args...), C* c) : f(f), c(c) { } Res operator() (Args... args) { return (c->*f)(args...); } }; template<typename C, typename Res,...

Is Boost.Tuple compatible with C++0x variadic templates ?

Hi, I was playing around with variadic templates (gcc 4.5) and hit this problem : template <typename... Args> boost::tuple<Args...> my_make_tuple(Args... args) { return boost::tuple<Args...>(args...); } int main (void) { boost::tuple<int, char> t = my_make_tuple(8, 'c'); } GCC error message : sorry, unimplemented: cannot expa...

How to find the length of a parameter pack ?

Hi All, Suppose I have a variadic template function like template<typename... Args> unsigned length(Args... args); How do I find the length of the parameter list using the length function ? ...

Fill container with template parameters

I want to fill the template parameters passed to a variadic template into an array with fixed length. For that purpose I wrote the following helper function templates template<typename ForwardIterator, typename T> void fill(ForwardIterator i) { } template<typename ForwardIterator, typename T, T head, T... tail> void fill(ForwardIterato...

How do I compile variadic templates conditionally?

Is there a macro that tells me whether or not my compiler supports variadic templates? #ifdef VARIADIC_TEMPLATES_AVAILABLE template<typename... Args> void coolstuff(Args&&... args); #else ??? #endif If they are not supported, I guess I would simulate them with a bunch of overloads. Any better ideas? Maybe there are preprocessor li...