




Any one can help me ? how could I get UCS2/HexEncoded characters

like 'Hello' will return "00480065006C006C006F"

This are the HexEncoded values:

0048 = H 0065 = e 006C = l 006C = l 006F = o*

Also in arabic (!مرحبا عالم) will return 06450631062d0628064b06270020063906270644064500200021

How I can get the encoded UCS2 in php?


According to this web page, the Multi-Byte String module (mbstring) supports UCS-2. After enabling this module, you can use the function mb_convert_encoding to convert a string from one encoding to the other.

Quoting the documentation of the mb_convert_encoding function:

string mb_convert_encoding  ( string $str  , string $to_encoding  [, mixed $from_encoding  ] )
Converts the character encoding of string str to to_encoding from optionally from_encoding .
Eric Bréchemier
thx for your answer,I put echo mb_convert_encoding("Hello",'UCS-2','UTF-8');but it gives me the output Hello instead of 00480065006C006C006FAnd didn't gives me the expected outputAny Advice or full example
In order to get the hex values of the underlying bytes of the string, you should call unpack, see an example in this answer:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/885597/string-to-byte-array-in-php/885676#885676
Eric Bréchemier
thx Eric Bréchemier
+1  A: 

mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UCS-2', 'auto') works correctly to convert the string, but you'll have to do extra work to get the proper output in a browser.

You'll need to change the character set of your output to match UCS-2 in order to be able to use echo to output it to a page. Also, you may need to set the Content-Type via a meta tag in the header as well.

I've included three examples here in the following unicode variants: UCS-2, UTF-16, and UTF-8; as not all of them worked for me without tweaking in Internet Explorer. You may need to store your PHP files in UTF-8 to get proper results. Also, I am on an english version of Windows, so I can't enter your arabic string in proper RTL form. I'm sorry if your string is garbled here. I assure you that if you replace it in the location noted by my comments, you'll get the proper result. Finally, you may have trouble viewing UCS-2 and UTF-16 in internet explorer- there seems to be some oddities when the output is reloaded via a cache. However, FireFox 3.5.5 worked for all three encodings. If you're serious about making an app, I strongly recommend you consider using UTF-8 instead of UCS-2.

UCS-2 Version

FireFox 3.5.5 (Ok, but FireFox says it is UTF-16BE on my test.)
Internet Explorer 7.0 (Not Ok. Didn't detect/convert Arabic properly.)

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UCS-2');
echo mb_convert_encoding('<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UCS-2" /></head><body>', 'UCS-2', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding('encoding: ', 'UCS-2', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding(mb_http_output(), 'UCS-2', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding('<br />', 'UCS-2', 'auto');
// NOTE: Replace the string here with your phrase
$strTerm = '!مرحبا عالم';
echo mb_convert_encoding('$strTerm = '.$strTerm.'<br />', 'UCS-2', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding('query string: '.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].'<br />', 'UCS-2', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding('original hex: '.bin2hex($strTerm).'<br />', 'UCS-2', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding('transformed hex: '.bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding($strTerm, 'UCS-2', 'auto')).'<br />', 'UCS-2', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding('</body>', 'UCS-2', 'auto');

UTF-16 Version

FireFox 3.5.5 (100% Ok)
Internet Explorer 7.0 (Fail. May have to specify Byte-Order.)

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-16');
echo mb_convert_encoding('<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-16" /></head><body>', 'UTF-16', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding('encoding: ', 'UTF-16', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding(mb_http_output(), 'UTF-16', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding('<br />', 'UTF-16', 'auto');
// NOTE: Replace the string here with your phrase
$strTerm = '!مرحبا عالم';
echo mb_convert_encoding('$strTerm = '.$strTerm.'<br />', 'UTF-16', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding('query string: '.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].'<br />', 'UTF-16', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding('original hex: '.bin2hex($strTerm).'<br />', 'UTF-16', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding('transformed hex: '.bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding($strTerm, 'UTF-16', 'auto')).'<br />', 'UTF-16', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding('</body>', 'UTF-16', 'auto');


FireFox 3.5.5 (100% Ok)
Internet Explorer 7.0 (100% Ok)

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
echo mb_convert_encoding('<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /></head><body>', 'UTF-8', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding('encoding: ', 'UTF-8', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding(mb_http_output(), 'UTF-8', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding('<br />', 'UTF-8', 'auto');
// NOTE: Replace the string here with your phrase
$strTerm = '!مرحبا عالم';
echo mb_convert_encoding('$strTerm = '.$strTerm.'<br />', 'UTF-8', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding('query string: '.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].'<br />', 'UTF-8', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding('original hex: '.bin2hex($strTerm).'<br />', 'UTF-8', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding('transformed hex: '.bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding($strTerm, 'UTF-8', 'auto')).'<br />', 'UTF-8', 'auto');
echo mb_convert_encoding('</body>', 'UTF-8', 'auto');
thanx meklarian it works fine with me :)