After setting user profile pictures (and user information pictures) for all our sharepoint users (images are kept in a list in one of the site collections), we configured user profiles so that users can update their picture at any moment.
The problem is, when the user uploads a picture, it is automatically placed in their Shared Pictures library, but this library does not have sufficient permissions set for other users. I checked the "Permissions for this picture library" of the Shared Pictures and it inherits the rights from the MySite, which are: full control for the user and limited access for our system account. I checked the Default Reader Site Group setting for the My Site in Central Admin: 'NT AUTHORITY\authenticated users' (this setting was there when all My Sites were created).
I also checked the default privacy settings of the Picture property and it is set to Everyone, user can override - no, replicable - checked, edit settings: allow users to edit. The result is, all pictures uploaded personally by users appear as broken links because no other user has access to see it.
What are we missing?