Is exposing CRUD operations through SOAP web services a bad idea? My instinct tells me that it is not least of which because the overhead of doing database calls overhead could be huge. I'm struggling to find documentation for/against this (anti)pattern so I was wondering if anyone could point me to some documentation or has an opinion on the matter.
Also, if anyone knows of best practises (and/or documentation to that effect) when designing soap services, that would be great.
Here's an example of how the web service would look:
- Create
- Delete
- Execute
- Fetch
- Update
And here's what the implementation would look like:
public byte[] Fetch(byte[] requestData)
SelectRequest request = (SelectRequest)Deserialize(requestData);
DbManager crudManager = new DbManager();
object result = crudManager.Select(request.ObjectType, request.Criteria);
return Serialize(result);