



I am getting dialog box "Property value is not valid" when the Control is in Design Mode (Visual Studio 2008) and I try to change the Property's Value.

Here is the property in question:

<Description("Gets/Sets the visibillity of the SaveButton of Control")> _
Property ShowSaveButton() As Boolean
        Return _SaveVisible
    End Get
    Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)
        _SaveVisible = Value
        If Value Then
            If Model.CommonUser.CurrentUser.IsReadOnly = False Then
                CreateButton("SaveButton", "Save", enBeneButtons.enSaveButton)
            End If
        End If
    End Set
End Property

The error detail shows "CommonUser must be initialized first.", which of course is pointing at this code.

If Model.CommonUser.CurrentUser.IsReadOnly = False Then
    CreateButton("SaveButton", "Save", enBeneButtons.enSaveButton)
End If

Is there some sort of if statement that can be used to skip around code when in Design Mode. VisualStudioDesignMode is used below.

If VisualStudioDesignMode = True Then
    CreateButton("SaveButton", "Save", enBeneButtons.enSaveButton)
ElseIf Model.CommonUser.CurrentUser.IsReadOnly = False Then
    CreateButton("SaveButton", "Save", enBeneButtons.enSaveButton)
End If

Again, this dialog box comes up in VS 2008 design mode. The logic works when the application is running.