I am playing with the euclidian distance example from programming collective intelligence book,
# Returns a distance-based similarity score for person1 and person2
def sim_distance(prefs,person1,person2):
# Get the list of shared_items
for item in prefs[person1]:
if item in prefs[person2]:
# if they have no ratings in common, return 0
if len(si)==0: return 0
# Add up the squares of all the differences
for item in prefs[person1] if item in prefs[person2]])
this is the original code for ranking movie critics, i am trying to modify this to find similar posts, based on tags i build a map such as,
url1 - > tag1 tag2
url2 - > tag1 tag3
but if apply this to the function,
this becomes 0 cause tags don't have weight same tags has ranking 1. I modified the code to manually create a difference to test,
then i got a lot of 0.5 similarity, but similarity of the same post to it self is dropped down to 0.3. I can't think of a way to apply euclidian distance to my situation?