




Actually, I've done some work with Pyro and RPyC, but there is more RPC implementation than these two. Can we make a list of them?

Native Python-based protocols:

JSON-RPC based frameworks:

XML-RPC based frameworks:


+6  A: 
Pär Wieslander
+1 to XML-RPC for simplicity, even accounting that SimpleXMLRPCServer lacks proper error handling.
Denis Otkidach
+1  A: 

There are some attempts at making SOAP work with python, but I haven't tested it much so I can't say if it is good or not.

SOAPy is one example.

Mattias Nilsson
Having used most of the SOAP frameworks and implemented one for doing reflection based RPC myself, my advice is simple - don't do that. If you don't need cross language communication + independent interface descriptions + mapping to custom classes, the complexity of SOAP will only be a headache. Even if you do need to use it, you'll need the experience to know what subset of SOAP is safe to use.
Ants Aasma
SOAP is nightmare in general and especially in Python. Don't use it unless you are forced to.
Denis Otkidach
My limited experience with SOAP agrees with the other comments here. xmlrpc often does everything I need.
Mattias Nilsson

maybe ZSI which implements SOAP. I used the stub generator and It worked properly. The only problem I encountered is about doing SOAP throught HTTPS.


Since I've asked this question, I've started using python-symmetric-jsonrpc. It is quite good, can be used between python and non-python software and follow the JSON-RPC standard. But it lack some examples.

Edit : Another interesting jsonrpc framework is rpcbd
