I'm trying to install Android SDK on Ubuntu but fail when I try to use the SDK Manager and AVD Manager to install Android platforms.
I've downloaded: android-sdk_r04-linux_86.tgz
The I start the SDK Manager and AVD Manager (UI) according to the README file:
And I get the following
Installed Packages:
- Install SDK Tools, revision 4
Available Packages:
- https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repoisotry/repository.xml
- This repository requires a more recent version of the Tools. Please update-
- Android SDK Tools, revision 4
- Archive for Linux
(comment: funny since rev 4 seems to be what's installed this is what seems to be installed)
Now doing an update of the Android SDK Tools, revision 4
or everything
results in
99% progress and then the application hangs.
Here's the console feedback:
johanc@johan-desktop:~/android/android-sdk-linux_86$ tools/android
Starting Android SDK and AVD Manager
No command line parameters provided, launching UI.
See 'android --help' for operations from the command line.
Error: null
In the app I choose to upgate the following package:
Package Description
Android SDK Tools, revision 4
Archive Description
Archive for Linux
Size: 15 MiB
SHA1: 99380c9330c1c3728c836206947350cc00fa28c2
The console output reads (and the app hangs at 99%):
Exception in thread "Installing Archives" java.lang.AssertionError
at com.android.sdkuilib.internal.tasks.ProgressTask.incProgress(ProgressTask.java:97)
at com.android.sdkuilib.internal.repository.UpdaterData$2.run(UpdaterData.java:358)
at com.android.sdkuilib.internal.tasks.ProgressTask$1.run(ProgressTask.java:135)