



When I use the Java Bloomber V3 API it usually works. However, sometimes, especially after a reboot, bbcomm.exe is not running in the background. I can start it manually by running blp.exe, but I wondered if there was a way of doing this via the API?

I'm still waiting on Help-Help ...


bbcomm.exe is automatically started by the V3 API.

G Sousa
Actually, it sometimes is, but sometimes isn't. I'll add an answer with my final resolution
Nick Fortescue
You should report the problem. The API client library already does exactly what you are trying to do. If it cannot connect to the bbcomm, it attempts to start it. If that is not working in some cases, you should report it to bloomberg if you have not done so already.
G Sousa
I've ended up doing what I suggested in my answer. I can't be bothered to go through the pain of going through the BB helpdesk to get someone who knows what they are talking about. If you work for bloomberg feel free to report, or message me privately
Nick Fortescue
+1  A: 

After talking to the help desk, it turns out that on 64 bit Windows, running under a 64bit JVM bbcomm is not automatically started. This does not happen under 32bit Java - under 32 bit bbcomm automatically runs.

So my solutions are either to wait for the problem to be fixed by Bloomberg (now I understand it) or to check this specific case.

To check the specific case:

  • if running under a 64 bit windows (System property os.arch)
  • and if running under a 64bit JVM (System property
  • then try and start a session
  • If this fails, assume bbcomm.exe is not running. Try to run bbcomm.exe using Runtime.exec()

I haven't tested the above yet. It may have exactly the same issues as Bloomberg have with 64bit VMs.

Nick Fortescue
I've tried this, and it works.
Nick Fortescue