




Using the Bloomberg API, how do I request the price information for the HTUSMOML and GSTHHVIP indexes.

Part of the basic code which I am using is listed below:

Service refDataService = session.GetService("//blp/refdata");
Request request = refDataService.CreateRequest("ReferenceDataRequest");
request.Set("security", "HTUSMOML US INDEX");
request.Set("security", "GSTHHVIP US INDEX");
request.Append("fields", "PX_LAST");
request.Append("fields", "OPEN");

I get an error of "Symbol not available in service: ReferenceDataRequest.



+1  A: 

Have you tried using the same syntax and asking for a well-known index, like INDU or QQQQ or something? That would eliminate a lot of possibilities.

If that works, then are you sure there is reference data available for these indices? Sometimes they only have pricing data, not reference data.

Next, are you sure you are permissioned to get this data? Either you may not be allowed, or your API setup may not be providing proper authentication for an account that does have permission.

If none of that works, you really need to follow Help Help and call the analytics desk for assistance.

I receive data using INDU AND QQQQ.
can you access them using the login you're using to connect - but directly on the terminal? did you contact the api group to find out if these securities are supported in api? sometimes, certain fields on certain securities, or whole securities, are allowed on the terminal but not on api. that's an analytics desk question, i don't work there any more.