When I use Doctrine to generate classes from Yaml/db each Base class (which includes the table definition) extends the Doctrine_Record class.
Since my app uses a master and (multiple) slave db servers I need to be able to make the Base classes extend my custom record class to force writes to go to the master db server (as described here). However if I change the base class manually I lose it again when I regenerate my classes from Yaml/db using Doctrine.
I need to find a way of telling Doctrine to extend my own Base class, or find a different solution to a master/slave db setup using Doctrine.
Example generated model:
abstract class My_Base_User extends Doctrine_Record
However I need it to be automatically generated as:
abstract class My_Base_User extends My_Record
I am using Doctrine 1.2.1 in a new Zend Framework 1.9.6 application if it makes any difference.