Hi all,
It seems the hype about cloud computing cannot be avoided, but the actual transition to that new platform is subject to many discussions...
From a Theoretical viewpoint, the following can be said:
- architectural change (you might not install anything you want)
- learning curve (because of the above)
- no failover (since failure is taken care of)
- granular cost (pay per Ghz or Gbyte)
- instantaneous scalability (not so instantaneous, but at least transparent?) ? lower latency
- failover (depends on provider)
- manual scalability (requires maintenance)
- static cost (you pay the package , whether you use it fully or not)
- lower cost (for entry- packages only)
- data ownership ( you do )
- liberty ( you do ) ? lower latency ( depends on provider)
Assuming the above is correct or not; Nevertheless, a logical position is "it depends.." .. on the application itself. Now comes the hidden question: how would you profile your j2ee app to determine if it is a candidate to cloud or not; knowing that it is
- a quite big app in number of services/ functions (i.e.; servlets)
- relies on a complex database (ie. num. tables)
- doesn't need much media resources, mostly text based