I'm using 4 USB sound cards (ASUS Xonar U1). I want to send to each one of them a different sound (the same text narrated in different languages). For now, what I do to get the sound mixers that I'm interested in, is something like this:
Info[] mixerInfo = AudioSystem.getMixerInfo();
int count = 0;
for (Info i : mixerInfo) {
System.out.println("["+(count++)+"]" + i.getName() + " - " + i.getDescription()+" - "+i.getVendor());
This gives me something like the following:
[5] Device [plughw:1,0] - Direct Audio Device: USB Advanced Audio Device, USB Audio, USB Audio - ALSA (http://www.alsa-project.org)
[6] Device_1 [plughw:2,0] - Direct Audio Device: USB Advanced Audio Device, USB Audio, USB Audio - ALSA (http://www.alsa-project.org)
[7] Device_2 [plughw:3,0] - Direct Audio Device: USB Advanced Audio Device, USB Audio, USB Audio - ALSA (http://www.alsa-project.org)
For now, in my configuration file, I'm associating the sound cards to the Info[] index (the "count" variable).
The problem is if I change the USB port to which a sound card is connected. Then the Info[] array has a whole new order and I don't know anymore which sound card should play the language en_US
and which pt_PT
for instance.
Also, the "plughw:1,0" string changes without any noticeable pattern. If I have just one sound card it will always be "plughw:1,0" no matter to which port I connect it to.
If the computer is restarted the mixer Info[] also gets reordered sometimes.
I've also given a look at jUSB but the Device information for the sound cards is exactly the same for all of them and I wouldn't know how to map the USB information it gives me with the Java Sound API mixer Info.
So, does anyone know how to uniquely identify equal sound cards with the Java Sound API?
Alternatively, does anyone have another suggestion about which language/library I could use to write an application that outputs different audio files to 4 different USB sound cards in the same machine?