





I'm rather new to Ruby, and today I wrote an application which you can pass arguments to via ARGV. But inside my application, I want to be able to use "gets". Problem is, every time I try to do so, I get an error.

Here's a simple script which shows my problem:

print "Say something! "
input = gets

If I'd call that like this:

$ ruby script.rb this is arguments

I get this error:

script.rb:2:in `gets': No such file or directory - this (Errno::ENOENT)
from script.rb:2

alt text

Hope someone is able to help me solve this, so I can continue my Ruby journey. :)

Edit: I am aware that "Gets" won't retrieve arguments passed to the file. "Gets" will query the user for input. I want to be able to use both these methods inside my application.

+7  A: 

If there are arguments, the default gets method tries to treat the first one as a file and read from that. To read from $stdin in such a situation, you have to use it explicitly:

print "Say something! "
input = $stdin.gets
Thanks a bunch. :)
+3  A: 

You should be using STDIN.gets not Kernel#gets.

Some reference.
