



I am making a game with flash as3. I create a movieclip that contains all of the games content within it. I pretty much encapsulated the game within this one movie clip. after the game is over I remove the movieclip off the screen. but yet, all the other movieclips within the main movieclip still keep playing.

I could create a deconstructor that removes all the items. but that seems like much to do. is there something easier ?

I tried making the movieclip null. but all the other movieclips Timers keep going off still and causes errors to go off.


You must remove listeners in the sub movies, otherwise they can't be garbage collected when you try to remove or nullify the main clip. You could add a destroy(); method in each of the sub-clips that does this and call that from the parent clip.

+1  A: 
function myButton_Clicked(event:MouseEvent)

try this!!!

Armen Mkrtchyan