Hello everybody,
I use ExtendedDataTable
and try use sortyBy
and GroupByColumn.
I want to implement following behavior:
If I click on the header to sort the column, then this column should be taken for GroupByColumn.
I didnt found anywhere what listener is called, if I sort the column in UI.
Can anybody help me?
thank you.
<rich:extendedDataTable groupingColumn="rueckRufDatum" id ="sampleData" binding="#
{personenBBean.carDatatable}" ajaxKeys="#{personenBBean.keySet}" border="1"
value="#{personenBBean.cars}" var="car" width="780px" height="200px">
<rich:column id="rueckRufDatum" sortBy="#{car.callBackDate}"
filterBy="#{car.callBackDate}" filterEvent="onkeyup">