



hi, i have encountered a really weirdest bug in eclipse, i would love if someone will help with it.

after a while of coding eclipse simply starts to "mix up" with the letters that are being typed. meaning i press 's' and it displays a different letter 'o' and it happens for other keys as well d becomes an e...and so on.

the weird thing is that out side of eclipse every the keyboard works fine... and if i restart eclipse every think goes back to normal...till it happens again

i have switched keyboard, reinstalled eclipse... any other ideas?

i work with windows XP, and galileo-php-eclpse

any ideas?

+2  A: 

Sometimes you use combination of keys Alt+Shift+SomeOtherLetter. If you don't choose SomeOtherLetter quick enough keyboard will be switched to some other defined in Control Panel -> Regional And Language Options -> Languages -> Details...

After restarting Eclipse will pickup default keyboard language.

Boris Pavlović
OMG you are so right... how embarrassing ... :)any way
no it's not embarrasing at all. how do you think i got the solution ;)
Boris Pavlović