



I've got a model with a DateOfBirth property on it, and in the view that uses that model, I've got a textbox:


I'm using DataAnnotations on the model, and validation works properly, and the textbox's value is loaded from the model. However, I don't want that value to be what is initially displayed, but rather its ToShortDate() value. But I can't seem to override the model's value. Even if I put "ASDF" as the value parameter of the TextBox method, the model's value is what ends up in the text box. I've also tried using a [DisplayFormat(ApplyFormatInEditMode = true, DataFormatString = "{0:d")] attribute, but that didn't help, either.

So how can I override the model's value with its ToShortDate() value?


It looks like there's not a good way around this. Perhaps specifying an HTML attribute to override, but the inline HTML is good enough for now. I'd welcome an alternative, though.

Mike Pateras