I want to make a class for parsing flat-file database information into one large analogous multidimensional array. I had the idea of formatting the database in a sort of python-esque format as follows:
"tree #1":
"key" "value"
"sub-tree #1":
"key" "value"
"key #2" "value"
"key #3" "value"
I am trying to make it parse this and build and array while parsing it to throw the keys/values into, and I want it to be very dynamic and expandable. I've tried many different techniques and I've been stumped in each of these attempts. This is my most recent:
function parse($file=null) {
$file = $file ? $file : $this->dbfile;
### character variables
# get values of
$src = file_get_contents($file);
# current character number
$p = 0;
### array variables
# temp shit
$a = array();
# set $ln keys
$ln = array("q"=>0,"k"=>null,"v"=>null,"s"=>null,"p"=>null);
# indent level
$ilvl = 0;
### go time
while (strlen($src) > $p) {
$chr = $src[$p];
# quote
if ($chr == "\"") {
if ($ln["q"] == 1) { // quote open?
$ln["q"] = 0; // close it
if (!$ln["k"]) { // key yet?
$ln["k"] = $ln["s"]; // set key
$ln["s"] = null;
$a[$ln["k"]] = $ln["v"]; // write to current array
} else { // value time
$ln["v"] = $ln["s"]; // set value
$ln["s"] = null;
} else {
$ln["q"] = 1; // open quote
elseif ($chr == "\n" && $ln["q"] == 0) {
$ln = array("q"=>0,"k"=>null,"v"=>null,"s"=>null,"p"=>null);
$llvl = $ilvl;
# beginning of subset
elseif ($chr == ":" && $ln["q"] == 0) {
if (!array_key_exists($ilvl,$a)) { $a[$ilvl] = array(); }
$a[$ilvl][$ln["k"]] = array("@mbdb-parent"=> $ilvl-1 .":".$ln["k"]);
$ln = array("q"=>0,"k"=>null,"v"=>null,"s"=>null,"p"=>null);
# end of subset
elseif ($chr == "}") {
# other characters
else {
if ($ln["q"] == 1) {
$ln["s"] .= $chr;
} else {
# error
I honestly have no idea where to go from here. The thing troubling me most is setting the multidimensional values like $this->c["main"]["sub"]["etc"]
the way I have it here. Can it even be done? How can I actually nest the arrays as the data is nested in the db file?