I am building a financial reporting app with Ruby on Rails. In the app I have monthly financial statement objects (with 'revenue' as an attribute). For any single financial statement, I want show (1) year-to-date revenue, and (2) last-year-to-date revenue (calendar years are fine). Each object also has a Date (not Datetime) attribute called 'month' (watch out for 'month' variable name vs. 'month' method name confusion...maybe I should change that variable name).
I think I need to (1) 'find' the array of financial statements (i.e., objects) in the appropriate date range, then (2) sum the 'revenue' fields. My code so far is...
def ytd_revenue
# Get all financial_statements for year-to-date.
financial_statements_ytd = self.company.financial_statements.find(:all,
:conditions => ["month BETWEEN ? and ?", "self.month.year AND month.month = 1",
"self.month.year AND self.month.month" ])
# Sum the 'revenue' attribute
financial_statements_ytd.inject(0) {|sum, revenue| sum + revenue }
This does not break the app, but returns '0' which cannot be correct.
Any ideas or help would be appreciated!