Ok what we ended up doing is using the onPreviewFrame method and decoding the data in a seperate Thread using a method which can be found in the android help group.
decodeYUV(argb8888, data, camSize.width, camSize.height);
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(argb8888, camSize.width,
camSize.height, Config.ARGB_8888);
// decode Y, U, and V values on the YUV 420 buffer described as YCbCr_422_SP by Android
// David Manpearl 081201
public void decodeYUV(int[] out, byte[] fg, int width, int height)
throws NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException {
int sz = width * height;
if (out == null)
throw new NullPointerException("buffer out is null");
if (out.length < sz)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer out size " + out.length
+ " < minimum " + sz);
if (fg == null)
throw new NullPointerException("buffer 'fg' is null");
if (fg.length < sz)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer fg size " + fg.length
+ " < minimum " + sz * 3 / 2);
int i, j;
int Y, Cr = 0, Cb = 0;
for (j = 0; j < height; j++) {
int pixPtr = j * width;
final int jDiv2 = j >> 1;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
Y = fg[pixPtr];
if (Y < 0)
Y += 255;
if ((i & 0x1) != 1) {
final int cOff = sz + jDiv2 * width + (i >> 1) * 2;
Cb = fg[cOff];
if (Cb < 0)
Cb += 127;
Cb -= 128;
Cr = fg[cOff + 1];
if (Cr < 0)
Cr += 127;
Cr -= 128;
int R = Y + Cr + (Cr >> 2) + (Cr >> 3) + (Cr >> 5);
if (R < 0)
R = 0;
else if (R > 255)
R = 255;
int G = Y - (Cb >> 2) + (Cb >> 4) + (Cb >> 5) - (Cr >> 1)
+ (Cr >> 3) + (Cr >> 4) + (Cr >> 5);
if (G < 0)
G = 0;
else if (G > 255)
G = 255;
int B = Y + Cb + (Cb >> 1) + (Cb >> 2) + (Cb >> 6);
if (B < 0)
B = 0;
else if (B > 255)
B = 255;
out[pixPtr++] = 0xff000000 + (B << 16) + (G << 8) + R;
Link: http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/thread/c85e829ab209ceea/3f180a16a4872b58?lnk=gst&q=onpreviewframe#3f180a16a4872b58