First of all, you should check and see how much time is spent in your own code vs. how much time is spent actually drawing the frame. You may have some bug or glitch that makes it run more slowly.
You should be able to get much better performance then 98ms to draw your screen. Those game libraries will probably be using the same graphics calls as you would. But which containers you use can have a big impact on how fast things draw. I remember a couple months ago working on some double buffered graphics code, and how the back buffer was created made a huge difference in performance.
In particular, make sure you only create background image once or at least, only when your canvas resizes. In my draw code I do this:
//create a graphics backplane
if(backplane == null || !backplaneSize.equals(this.getSize())){
backplane = this.createImage((int)this.getSize().getWidth(), (int)this.getSize().getHeight());
backplaneSize = this.getSize();
So the back plane only gets created if it's new, or if the component is resized. This has a huge impact on speed.
I've been doing graphics programming in java since JDK 1.0. Actually I'd never heard of this BufferStrategy thing. Heh.
I've never had any trouble getting good frame rates with basic java graphics calls. Another thing to look out for is making sure that Swing isn't trying to clear the background of your component for you. That can be another source of slowdown.