



My project needs temporary directories which are created during the build using mkdir -p similarly to this:

all: dirtree $(OBJFILES)

  @mkdir -p $(BUILD)/temp_directory

But this approach cannot be used with the -j switch, because first of the OBJFILES get compiled before the mkdir target is made.

Is there a standard way to do this?

+2  A: 

You could have the rules for building the object files call mkdir -p as their first action.

+2  A: 

I'm not sure I fully understand your question. However, I can say this: if your build breaks when you add parallelism, then it's an indication that you haven't defined the dependencies correctly. Ask yourself, "Do the directories need to exist before the object files are generated?" If the answer is "yes", then the directories should be listed as prerequisites of the object files. In other words:

${OBJFILES}: dirtree

And yes, that is pretty much the standard way to do this :)

Dan Moulding
This does not work for me. An objfile has two prerequisities - dirtree and .c file. Make can start with making .c file first (order is not defined). Therefore I had to add dirtree dependency to the rule making .obj from .c. Fresh build works well but when I change just one .c file all .c files are rebuild.
Wait, are you saying that make is *generating* the .c files and that after they are made, the .o files are compiled?
Dan Moulding
Sorry for confusing you, may English is far from perfect. I wanted to say that make will *process* .c (input .c output .o).
+1  A: 

The standard way is to create directories by the very first command of the rule that generates files in the directory. For example, if you have target $(BUILD)/file.o, then just put the proper mkdir command in the commands section:

$(BUILD)/temp_directory/%.c: ...
        @mkdir -p $(@D)
        generate-c-file > $@

The object files that depend on .c files don't need that directory creation, because if the .c file is generated, the directory is there as well.

Directories are seldom a separate entity that should be tracked via special dependency, so not having any of them as a target is reasonable.

And it is -j-compatible as well: the OS will take care of two processing creating the same directory--via internal filesystem locks.

Pavel Shved
Thank you and also to ndim.