



Hi Stackoverflowers!

I am planning to write the SCJP exam soon, and I wonder if that will be helpful to get Graduate/Junior Java Programmer job. Exam seems to be easy to pass for some people.

What is the minimum scope of knowledge to start thinking about career in Java field?

Do you think that SCJP will be enough to dive in to Java world?

If not, what advice would you give me? how to start a career in Java?


+4  A: 

It worked for me, I recommend it.

For a soon or recent graduate, it is a very straightforward way to put something tangible and objective on the resume.

My story: I was changing careers, had a math Ph.D. but know real experience in programming experience (either coursework or job related.) I started learning Java and after four months bought a textbook to study for the exam. In another two months, I took the exam, passed it, and was hired as a full-time Java intern within two months after that. (And in this economy.)

Certainly SCJP won't make anyone's career, but it can definitely help you get a start if only to slightly separate your resume from the others on the stack.

Finally, don't let anyone make you feel bad about certification. Sure, the rockstars don't get certified, but there's nothing wrong with not being a rockstar.

As for other advice for future, after the SCJP, study Java EE. That's where the jobs are.

Thanks for your encouraging story. I'm in similar (or worse) situation. Now I see a little hope.
May,I doubt your situation is worse than mine. I was starting without any CS degree, and without any C experience. And I was 36.As I consider more the circumstances of my last year, I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, as I am convinced that my job is just one example of his provision for me.
+4  A: 

I really hope people don't hire just because someone has a SCJP...if you really wanted to get hired as programmer, make sure you understand the fundementals by taking some classes in computer science or at the very least read some books about it. Then go and try to actually create some programs on your own.

Try browsing through the following topic to see what kind of books they recommend

Tom, becoming a programmer is a process. you cant expect everyone to read all the best books out there and then apply to jobs. right? while he s programming, he will feel the need to learn more about Computer Science.
Thats why included "Then go and try to actually create some programs on your own." in my answer, it is indeed a process and learning about the fundementals is part of it. However if most of the basic knowledge its not their, it might not be the right time yet to start the job. Since that background information is missing I just included the books to be a suitable alternative when he has no access to a full computer science education, he might already have it though..
i know guys who work in top companies without any cs education. i m a phd student and we only learn theory. and it doesnt much help programming.
Saying a PHD doesn't help much in programming totally depends on the topic of the research you are doing. The knowledge you gain after a Bachelor in CS probably won't help you that much in the typical java project. My answer simply reflects what _I_ think is necessary to get a job, have an advantage above people who solely did the exam and to be able to do the job in a proper way. Anecdotes about people without cs education won't help this guy, because they most likely picked up the CS knowledge elsewhere. If someone posts on this site they also aim a little bit higher than "any" java job..
+4  A: 

For a recent graduate it s a good way to prove employers that you know the language basics and given a problem you can solve it, find the bugs etc.

The position you will likely get is an entry level position.

+3  A: 

It is good to have SCJP exam. With this you shall get the answers of first level of questions asked by interviewers.

However, you should also understand the data structure part of Java. e.g. List, Map, Set, Thread, Array, System classes and its variant classes internals. How sorting works in Collections.sort and so.

Many things you shall hardly be noticing while reading theory or performing an examination. For subtle details you should be doing a rigorous pragmatic approach towards Java for few weeks.

Above all degree does matter but not at the cost of knowledge and experience and wisdom.

+5  A: 

I've gotten a lot of Java work over the last ten years (and been through countless interviews). I've never heard anyone ask about SCJP - before or after I got it.

Even with SCJP every team that I've interviewed with has tested my Java knowledge...

Although the knowledge in SCJP is useful, don't wait until you've passed SCJP before trying to get work.

The best way for people to get their first break with Java is to:

  • do a Java programming project in their final year at Uni/college
  • participate in an open-source project - even if it's just submitting a little patch
  • start a little Java-based project of your own

... it's easier to learn to program a technology if you've got a fun project to work on.
