I can't get APC to work on Windows because Apache keeps crashing as soon as I run a php file. Is this issue know and is there a workaround?
Versions: Apache 2.2.14 PHP 3.1 APC 3.1.3
I can't get APC to work on Windows because Apache keeps crashing as soon as I run a php file. Is this issue know and is there a workaround?
Versions: Apache 2.2.14 PHP 3.1 APC 3.1.3
The best route to solve this type of problem is to check your Apache log files and see what issues were raised. An example of these logs follows:
[Wed Jun 03 06:07:47 2009] [alert] [client] C:/wamp/www/WebsiteA/.htaccess: Invalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Wed Jun 03 06:08:16 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: C:/wamp/www/kohana, referer: http://localhost/WebsiteB/website/