Hi, I've read xUnit Test Patterns. http://martinfowler.com/books.html There is 'Churchillian knock-off' expression in Martin Fowler's writes like this...
If you go to junit.org, you'll see a quote from me: "never in the field of software development have so many owed so much to so few lines of code". JUnit has been criticized as a minor thing, something any reasonable programmer could produce in a weekend. This is true, but utterly misses the point. The reason JUnit is important, and deserves the Churchillian knock-off, is that the presence of this tiny tool has been essential to a fundamental shift for many programmers. A shift where testing has moved to a front and central part of programming. People have advocated it before, but JUnit made it happen more than anything else.
I have failed to search about 'Churchillian knock-off'. Could you help me know what it means? Thanks in advance.