



Given an xml document like


Is there an easy way to assert that the XML document is sorted on element B in XMLUnit

Edit: I have an odd problem with a piece of software that I can not change where the value of the XML tags in any given node needs to be in a specific order. I'd like it for my test harness to enforce this set of rules before any other validation.

+1  A: 

You can build an assertion around an XPath selection.

Probably the simplest way would be to use the XPath expression /root/row/b, request the NODESET result type, then copy the text from each result node into a List structure. You can assert that the text in that list is equal to an "expected" list created with the Arrays.asList() method (I'm assuming you're using Java).

This was what I was doing and I wasn't happy with it. For starters, there was too much code that was specific to a particular test and more code that might have to change as my code changed.
+1  A: 

If you can execute XQuery, then the XQuery assertion:

every $i in (1 to count ($x/row) - 1)
   let $j :=  $i + 1   
   return number($x/row[$i]/b) <= number($x/row[$j]/b)

where $x is the document, is true if the rows are in ascending order of b, false otherwise

Chris Wallace
I'm too junior to comment on Dimitre's neat answer but shouldn't it benot($x//b[number(.) > following::b/number(.)]) for this numeric data and isnt this O N^2 since every b is compared with all the following b's?
Chris Wallace
Chris, you're right about number()
+1  A: 

Use the value of the following simple XPath 1.0 expression:

not(//b[. > following::b])

Dimitre Novatchev
This is almost what I wanted. I got my solution after looking at this. Thanks!
Hey sal, what IS your solution?
@belwood: @sal says that he put this XPath expression in his code -- probably the real column names were different. If you have the same problem, this answer should get you going.
Dimitre Novatchev