Hi I have just posted something simalar but i have not explained it very well. I want a to control the alpha of a movieclip when the mouse is over it . This works fine where 'wedding' is the movie clip .
wedding.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, pan_over) ;
function pan_over(event:MouseEvent):void{ var ct:String = event.currentTarget.name ;
TweenLite.to(wedding, 1, { alpha:0 }); } What I want to do is use a variable instead of hard coding the word wedding like the example below. But it does not work
wedding.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, pan_over) ;
function pan_over(event:MouseEvent):void{ var ct:String = event.currentTarget.name ;
TweenLite.to(ct, 1, { alpha:0 }); }
Do I need to declare CT as somwthing other than a string ? . could anyone help please ?