I have a table structure similar to the following example:
DateTime V1 V2 V3 V4
10/10/10 12:10:00 71 24 33 40
10/10/10 12:00:00 75 22 44 12
10/10/10 12:30:00 44 21 44 33
10/10/10 12:20:00 80 11 88 12
With DateTime field being the unqiue and key field, I want a query to output min and max date time for each values so that it will show something like below:
V1 44 10/10/10 12:30:00 80 10/10/10 12:20:00
V2 11 10/10/10 12:20:00 24 10/10/10 12:10:00
V3 33 10/10/10 12:10:00 88 10/10/10 12:20:00
V4 12 10/10/10 12:20:00 40 10/10/10 12:10:00
If there are multiple rows with the same min/max value, then it should get the latest one.
With Inner Join on a field, I know to get the details of min/max row for a field, but only way I can think getting everything in one query is to union them all. I think there might be a better solution. Any help is appreciated.
I am using SQL Server 2008.