Im developing an Rails application, but I found a problem when accessing it with internet explorer. Firefox and Safari displays the pages all right. Althrough, when using internet explorer, in some pages it tries to download the page, instead of displaying it. I have no idea what could be happening.
Here is the html header of my application.html.erb:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<head id="otzee_header_scripts">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>test site</title>
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />
<meta name="description" content="" />
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<meta name="author" content="NZN - No Zebra Network" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "default.css" %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "#{site_theme}/default", :id => 'theme_change_css' %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "#{site_theme}/toyart.css", :id => 'theme_change_bg_css' %>
<!-- Includes Globais -->
<%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery-ui' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'jrails' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'games' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'users' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'application' %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'application' %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'acts_as_taggable_stylesheet' %>
<%= yield(:head) %>
<!-- Globais -->
<!--[if lte IE 6]>
<link href="stylesheets/ie6.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src=""></script>
But I dont think its related to the application.html.erb, since some pages display normal and other are downloaded by the ie.
Do have any clue about what could be causing this? or how to solve it?
Thank you in advance
I know now that is related to the headers, its sending as mime content-type text/javascript instead of text/html. But i dont know why. Here is the controller code, in case someone can point my mistake, please.
def index
respond_to do |format|
format.js do
if params[:bookmarks] != 0
@games_infos = current_user.games_info_bookmarks params[:page], 8
@bookmarks = 1
@games_infos = current_user.games_info_collection params[:page], false, 8
@bookmarks = 0
format.html do
@invites = current_user.friends_pending
@whats_new = WhatsNew.find_user_network_updates @me, 1, 13
@games_infos = @me.games_info_bookmarks params[:page], 8
@bookmarks = @games_infos.size
@games_infos = @me.games_info_collection(params[:page], false, 8) unless @bookmarks > 0
@friends = @me.friends_on_off
@high_scores = @me.high_scores
Obs: firebug shows Content-Type text/html; charset=utf-8 on firefox, and Fiddler shows Content-Type text/javascript; charset=utf-8 on the internet explorer.