




I thought of suPHP but that's not what I need. It doesn't serve to my purposes to run the whole PHP script as a different user. I just need to run one single linux command line as a different user.

Is it possible?


I believe you should try another approach. The "setuid".


Basically you ask the file to run as it's owner, not the program.

In the link it says: "Due to the increased likelihood of security flaws, many operating systems ignore the setuid attribute when applied to executable shell scripts". A shell script is what I need to run. Does Linux have this restriction?
Not by default, but a script is only permitted to run setuid if its interpreter is also setuid.
What if I compile a C program who in turn executes a shell command and I set the setuid flag for that C program? would it bypass that restriction?
Your C program would need to call `setuid(geteuid())` to get out of setuid mode, but yeah, that would work.

You could try the shell_exec function and sudo

edit: seeing as sudo prompts for a password, you'd might wanna use proc_open, which allows you to use pipes. See this comment for how to create a custom password pipe.

Tor Valamo
But sudo will ask for a password, right?
Try proc_open then. See the first example on the manual page that I linked to, for how to use pipes.
Tor Valamo
You can configure sudo to not prompt for the password ..
Steve Kemp

You can use that users CRON to execute the script. If this is a web application then you are limited to the Apache/Nobody user with limited permissions. If this just needs to run at a certain time I would use CRON.

Another approach is Sticky Bits

Phill Pafford