Either way you're going to use a jQuery POST to get the json/html from the server ajax style. Use the error:
property in the jQuery $.ajax(
function to handle a failed response.
This is a fairly simple function that adds/updates comments on thumbnail images from a html table:
function commentImage(pgiID) {
var commentText = $("table.gallery td a#"+pgiID).attr("title");
var newComment = prompt("Create or update the photo comment:",commentText);
if(newComment!=null) {
// post comment back to server
$("div#"+pgiID+" a").hide();
$("div.photoAdminBlock img.loading"+pgiID).show();
type: "POST",
url: "/Activities/UpdateImageComment",
data: {id: pgiID, commentText: newComment},
success: function() {
// set title attr
$.getJSON("/Activities/GetPgiComment/"+pgiID,null,function(data, textStatus) {
$("table.gallery td a#"+pgiID).attr("title",data);
$("div.photoAdminBlock img.loading"+pgiID).hide();
$("div#"+pgiID+" a").show();
$("table.gallery td a#"+pgiID).trigger("click");
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert("There was an error when trying to update the comment.\nPlease refresh this page and try again or contact support.");
$("div.photoAdminBlock img.loading"+pgiID).hide();
$("div#"+pgiID+" a").show();
I think the ideal thing would be to have your jQuery ajax handle 500-series HTTP responses appropriately. This is prob more 'MVC-ish'. ;)