+2  A: 

Either way you're going to use a jQuery POST to get the json/html from the server ajax style. Use the error: property in the jQuery $.ajax( function to handle a failed response.

This is a fairly simple function that adds/updates comments on thumbnail images from a html table:

             function commentImage(pgiID) {
                 var commentText =  $("table.gallery td a#"+pgiID).attr("title");

                    var newComment = prompt("Create or update the photo comment:",commentText);
                    if(newComment!=null) {
                        // post comment back to server
                     $("div#"+pgiID+" a").hide();
                     $("div.photoAdminBlock img.loading"+pgiID).show();                            
                            type:       "POST",
                            url:        "/Activities/UpdateImageComment",
                            data:       {id: pgiID, commentText: newComment},
                            success:    function() {
                                // set title attr
                             $.getJSON("/Activities/GetPgiComment/"+pgiID,null,function(data, textStatus) {
                                        $("table.gallery td a#"+pgiID).attr("title",data);
                                        $("div.photoAdminBlock img.loading"+pgiID).hide();
                                        $("div#"+pgiID+" a").show();
                                        $("table.gallery td a#"+pgiID).trigger("click");
                            error:      function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                                alert("There was an error when trying to update the comment.\nPlease refresh this page and try again or contact support.");
                                $("div.photoAdminBlock img.loading"+pgiID).hide();
                                $("div#"+pgiID+" a").show();                                

I think the ideal thing would be to have your jQuery ajax handle 500-series HTTP responses appropriately. This is prob more 'MVC-ish'. ;)

Sorry I meant more like handling when ASP.NET errors occur rather than ajax process errors. For example, an ajax call is successfull, and asp.net code runs but say the query is bad for some reason. I was looking for a way to report that error without mucking up the updated section's html.
+1  A: 

I think the 2 method is the way to go, but just like you said, if you return text/html there is no parameter to tell what is the current state of the request (ok/error), but there is one approach that require you to do a little hack on the ViewEngine and it will let you render partial Views to String format, that way you can return a JSON structure with the state along with a piece of HTML(the partial view).

   return Json(new { 
      result = "success", 
      timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow, 
      html = this.RenderToString("View", Model) 

You can take a look at it here.

Ah that makes perfect sense. I should have thought of that as well. Thanks :)

I depends if you also need to deliver a non-Ajax version. If you need that, then a very productive way is to deliver a partial view for ajax clients or a ordinary view for other clients. (your number 2)

Malcolm Frexner